“I can’t tell whether I’m being chided or informed.” So recognizable! I try to smile when it happens. Then they can interpret that as a thank you or an apology.

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Oh I think that's exactly the right response! By the end of my time in Morocco I found all I could do is smile.

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This gave me a chuckle. Did you go into the museums, though?

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Both the Berber Museum which is housed in the villa where St Laurent and Berge lived and the YSL museum which is adjacent in a stunning new building are well worth visiting, David

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I did the YSL museum, and had fully got museum fatigue by the time it came around to the Berber Museum, so missed that. Perhaps would have done it the other way around if I had my time again!

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During our travels, I've been heartened by how honest people are. More than once I've had a vendor grab my arm, shake their head, and hand me back money.

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Completely agree! When I tried to give the shopkeeper 30 dirhams he almost laughed me out the door.

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Many Americans are so paranoid that foreigners are going to cheat them. I can't help but laugh as that says more about America than other countries.

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Very similar in the UK! But agree, it's a bad stereotype that says a lot more about the person perpetuating it than the country they're in.

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This made me laugh! I must be a duller traveller than I realise because I love a good garden 😂

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Haha not at all Kate! Tongue firmly in cheek as per!

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To be fair I have definitely noticed this is an age thing for me. When I was younger gardens were not on my radar at all and now my inner Monty Don comes out every time I see a new plant 😳😂

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Feels about as pleasant as my visit to Palacio de Pena in Sintra, Portugal, last summer. There, it was crowds of tourists being pushed through stuffy airless room after stuffy airless room like cattle going to the chute. I tend to get anxiety-ridden and claustrophobic (also severely overheated), and when I got desperate to make my way to the exit as fast as I possibly could, all the cattle insulted me for disrupting the flow. Yep, needed to get out of there, sorry folks!

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Oh I echo this Martine! I've been there and found it chaotic in the extreme.

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Oh, wow, never been to the Secret Garden but Le Jardin Marjorelle, yes, a few times with my groups. Now it's a bit ho hum. Loved the jewellery museum even more!

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