ahahahah the blokes! omg yes. I think we have similar establishments down here, but with tradies-blokes and there's usually some gambling on the side.

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Oh yes that sounds similar! Although I didn't see any gambling I wouldn't put it past here.

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Dino’s sounds so appetizing. Also, I laughed out loud at this. I’m sure Bill Bryson would be proud!

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This is a huge complement so thank you very much Andrei!

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I'd climb those stairs for sure. What a delightful narrative.

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Thank you! It was worth the climb!

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This is really funny. And this NY girl needs to know what Hi-Vis are instead of googling it. (I'm actually STILL STUFFED from a Full English breakfast I had about 7 years ago, but I still can't tolerate the icky tomato on the plate....)

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Thanks Julie! Oh I don't know what they call them in the states but just those reflective jackets all workmen wear! An I actually agree with you on the tomato front.

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Ah, funny post! And the kind of breakfast that makes you want to go lie down and snooze... reminds me of being in Australia years back and looking at a steak at 7 in the morning.

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Thanks Martine! Oh steak at 7 in the morning is a bit much even for me.

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Loved reading about the blokes in hi-vis. Hi like you sat at a desk filling in spreadsheets. Emails and telephone calls. I also spent time with blokes in hi-vis doing the proper hard work. Very entertaining Tom.

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