My best urinal story goes thusly: It was halftime during an England game at Euro 2020 (I think the semifinal, but not 100% sure). I was watching it in a south London pub (where else?) with my mate who’s in the Met, which made what happened next all the more funny. I was visiting the water closet for the obligatory halftime release and was standing there at the urinal when this cockney geaser pulled up next to me, whacked out his Captain Rodger and unleashed a torrent of what was only very recently a premium lager (I’m assuming). He then proceeded to let fly unassisted, using his hands to pull out of his pocket a small bag of white powder. With the deftness of an experienced man he then dabbed an absolutely monster line across his thumb and forefinger and snorted it right there at the urinal while still mid piss. Upon successful inhalation of the Class A drugs he let out a rather primal yell, shook his gentleman a couple of times, put all his equipment away, and walked out. When I returned to my mate I asked him pointedly if he’d like me to mention to the urinal snorter that there was a policeman officer in attendance and he whispered rather urgently that he would kill me before I could do so.

P.S. I’ve spotted Bill Nighy twice in Mayfair, which I assume means he must live there.

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Well this is absolutely fantastic. He lives in Pimlico so close enough! I definitely haven't stalked him to find this out

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